The Hypérion adventure begins: Eiffage Immobilier launches the construction of the tallest wooden residential tower in France

The Hypérion adventure begins: Eiffage Immobilier launches the construction of the tallest wooden residential tower in France

The Eiffage Construction teams have started the construction of Hypérion, a new wooden tower in the centre of Bordeaux in the new Euratlantique district near Saint-Jean train station. Carried by Eiffage Immobilier, the 57 meters high real estate program will be the highest wooden tower in France!

Resulting from the call for project launched by EPA Bordeaux Euratlantique in 2016 of which Eiffage Immobilier was named winner, the Hypérion project designed by architect Jean-Paul Viguier is recognized by the State “Sustainable Town Industrial Demonstrator”.
The construction of the Hyperion Tower represents a new step in the emergence of low-carbon constructive modes. With 1,400 m³ of solid wood installed, the tower will store the equivalent of 1,000 tonnes of CO2, a volume comparable to the CO2 emissions from the energy consumption of such a building for more than 9 years.
This mixed operation will consist of:

  • Two buildings of 176 dwellings divided between a 7,000 m² wooden tower in R+17 and an additional 9-storey building,
  • An office building in R+8 of 5,000 m² with shops on the ground floor,
  • It was a parking lot.  

Eiffage Immobilier will promote the whole operation with the retail marketing of 114 dwellings and 62 dwellings will be sold to the social landlords Clairsien (Group 3F) and Immobilière Atlantique Aménagement.
The offices were sold in VEFA to the INEA Property Investor.
Hypérion is naturally part of an energy-saving initiative with the “Bbio” -20% label and the “Bâtiment Bas Carbone” (BBCA) label, which aims to split the carbon footprint of new buildings by 2. All units are NF Habitat HQE 9* certified.
A real technical and logistical challenge faced by the Eiffage Construction teams, the construction of the Hyperion Tower, made possible in particular by a BIM design, collect no less than 1,500 pieces of wood assembled on site within 5 months.
Building delivery is scheduled for offices in September 2020, followed by concrete dwellings in January 2021 and the Hyperion Wood Tower in May 2021.